Yangdron Kalzang
Founder, President & Licensed Acupuncturist, Menpa (Dr. of Tibetan Medicine and Acupuncture.) Founder, Director and Lead Practitioner of Kunde Institute, 2005 to present Doctor of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine (DAOM), Five Branches University, 2018 Licensed Acupuncturist in California, 2005 Certified Acupuncturist and Herbalist in NCCAOM, 2003 Doctor of Tibetan Medicine (Menpa), 1994 Founding Member and Secretary of American Tibetan Medical Association (ATMA), since 2004 Founding Member and current Faculty at Shang Shung Institute, Conway Massachusetts Fluent in English, Tibetan, Mandarin Chinese Wife and mother of 2 children Kunde Institute has been closed since March 17th, 2020, under the Governor’s order to shelter in place. Although unable to practice hands-on medicine, Dr. Kalzang has continued to work tirelessly to support and assist her patients via phone, mail, email and the internet and has been offering tele-health/medicine since then. Dr. Kalzang has been leading a team of Kunde Institute and ATMA ( American Tibetan Medical Association) staff members, colleagues, and friends, to initiate, plan, host, facilitate, and coordinate Free Live Webinars on Encountering COVID-19 through the ancient wisdom of Tibetan Medicine, in Tibetan and English languages for general public and Tibetan Medicine Doctors. Through these webinars, participants learned how Tibetan Medicine can help and alleviate human suffering caused by COVID-19 or COVID-19 Like Syndrome as well as coping with the psychological aspects of stress and trauma, including fear, sadness, anxiety, and panic . The webinars also teach how to support and care for the immune system through Tibetan Medicine. Dr. Kalzang has continued to connect with practitioners of both Western and Eastern medicine during this pandemic. She has presented at UCSF’s Palliative Care Webinar called Healing the Healer for empowering, enhancing, and supporting our frontline health care providers. In addition, Dr. Kalzang has been initiated ongoing dialogues with medical and allopathic doctors, public health educators, and researchers globally including from Italy, India, Canada, Tibet, Qinghai ( China), as well as many parts of the United States to seek possibilities of integrating research on medical systems to guide, educate, and find solution for the current pandemic. Dr. Kalzang’s work has inspired many other Tibetan Medicine Practitioners and the American Tibetan Medical Association to shoulder the task of sharing, hosting, facilitating, and organizing online public talks on the benefits of Tibetan Medicine during this pandemic. Full Bio: Yangdron Kalzang earned the Tibetan Medicine degree from the Tibetan Medical University in Lhasa, Tibet, and her Master's degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Five Branches University, Graduate School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, in Santa Cruz, California. She is an Acupuncturist licensed by the state of California and an Acupuncturist and Herbalist certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). She is a founding member and current faculty member of the Shang Shung Institute, School of Tibetan Medicine in Conway, Massachusetts as well as one of the original curriculum developers and consultants in the planning of their certificate program. For the past few years, she has been teaching Tibetan Medical courses at her alma mater, the Five Branches University. Yangdron Kalzang and the Kunde Institute serve as an educational resource for the University of California at San Francisco and Stanford University medical students and faculty and many Buddhist centers in the Bay Area. She regularly lectures and delivers seminars on Tibetan medicine. Highlights include The International Forum on Buddhism and Medicine in Montpellier, France 2006, along with lectures at Stanford University, the University of California at San Francisco, the University of California at Santa Cruz, Rice University, Amherst College, and many Buddhist centers. She lectured at the 1998 and 2003 Congress of Tibetan Medicine in Washington D.C. and the California State Oriental Medical Association Conference in 2002 and 2003. More recently, she has given presentations at the Rubin Museum in New York in 2016, conferences in Integrative Medicine in Barcelona and Tenerife, Spain in 2016 and 2017. With a strong commitment to better health and education, Yangdron Kalzang provides compassionate and effective healing services to the whole community. She lives in San Francisco with her husband and their two children. California Board Acupuncture License #10141 |